Community Stories
Tiny Tim’s is so much more than delicious Almond and Traditional English Toffee—even the name was chosen with a special purpose (visit our Who & Why page for more details). Tiny Tim is about community, charity, service, thanksgiving, giving back and paying forward.
We have a collection of stories and examples of how others have used Tiny Tim’s Candies to improve their community, encourage charity, fundraise for special events and give back. If you have a story to share, please share your comments and feedback and let us know!
Diapers All Around!
When Michelle and her husband learned they were going to have their 4th bundle of Joy, they were both excited and overwhelmed. The prospects of another baby in diapers felt a little daunting.
Donations for a Good Cause
Reaching out to Tiny Tim’s Candies to see about getting donations for their event, we were excited to assist KSADMO with their mission!
Charity in Action – Small Rural Church
Seeking creative ways of fundraising, St John’s contacted Tiny Tim’s Candies—an active partner for every community—who provided them a Charity Code so anyone could contribute to their ambitious project.